Selasa, 03 Januari 2012



v  Education savvy
Education used to mean as A method to develop skill, wont and expected attitude gets to make someone get better.

v  Education basic
Education basic is foundation or basis for that robust for every society for can do changing attitude and saleable manner by practised and learned and not limited to school environment, so despite was finished schooled will make a abode studying what what that doesn't be found at school. It is more important being advanced so doesn't become society gets education that have no basic education so not reach life perfection. If life perfection be not been reached means education have resulted result that cheers up. Basic or basis for education can be seen of various facet which is:
Ø  Islamic view
1.      Al qur ’ an.
Al qur ’ an constitute supreme guidance that as road map and our basic lives at the world. In Al Qur ’ an we can find all about problem living included education and scholarship.
2.      Hadist
Hadist constitute is our guidance after Al qur ’ an, hadist's thus also constitute basic or element in education.

v  To the effect Education
To the effect Education will determine to aim which protege will be taken in. Despitefully education functions to develop ability and upgrades life and indonesia. 's man dignity To The Effect education can be seen of two viewpoints which is terminological islams and to the effect educations in common.

A.    To the effect Education In Islamic
To the effect islam education is hovering cannikin we to God and more islam education accentuate behavior. Educations wider ala islamic aim to
·         Behavior construction
·         Knowledge mastery
·         Working skill in society
·         Developing mind and Behavior
·         Culture teaching
·         Formation personality
·         Domineer self to God
·         Making ready protege for living at the world and eternity

B.     To the effect Education in common
To the effect education in common get as follows been seen:
1.      To the effect education exists in UU No2 Year 1985 which is smarten up nation life and develops men that completely which is that devout and and get gotfearing to God that esa mighty and ethic kind hearted glorious, having science and skill, carnal health and spiritual, steady and independent personality and sensed sociological accountability and nation.
2.      To the effect national Education terminologicals TAP MPR NO. II. / MPR / 1993 which is Increase Indonesian man qualities, which is man which devout and get gotfearing to God That Esa Mighty, ethic kind hearted glorious, get personality, independent, forward, firm, smart, creative, skilled, disciplined, get professional job ethos and healthy carnal and spiritual. National education that menumbuhkan shall also patriotic soul and memepertebal is country love, increasing nationalistic spirit and to folk faithful is social, and consciousness on nation and attitude history price service hero, and gets future orientation.
3.      TAP MPR No. 4 / MPR / 1975, to the effect education is build at educational is gone upon philosophy up pancasila's state and is led to form constructor man that having pancasila and to form healthy man carnal and its spritual, having science and skill who can develop creativity and accountability gets to enrich democratic attitude and full tolerance, can develop tall intelligence and espoused by glorious ethic kindness, loving its nation and loves fellow being according to rule which recorded deep UUD 1945.

v  Concept savvy and Islam Education
Ø  Englishes language indigenous concept “ concept ” one means “ IDE that constitutes one class of object something ”,and “ idea or common IDE ”. Say that also means picture that gets common traits of or abstractedly of something
Ø  Then Islamic education savvy for example terminological Dr. Yusuf Qardawi as it were quoted by Azyumardi Azra gives Islamic education savvy which is man education completely, mind and its heart, spritual and its earthly concern, behavior and its skill. Since Islam education make ready man for living and making ready to face society with all goodness and its crime, its bitter nice.
Ø  Endang Saefuddin Anshari gives savvy on a more tehnis, Islamic education as process of guidance (chairman of, manual and proposal) by subject is taught to soul developing (think, feel, willingness, intuition), and object build is taught with given material materials, on a given time period, with given method and with aught device towards most composes it particular person is espoused evaluates to accord Islam teaching.
Ø  Islamic education is a process individual forming base Islam teaching that at wahyukan God SWT to Saw's Muhammad.
   Base severally savvy upon, available difference among education savvy in common with Islamic education. Education in common constitute point move processes cultures of one generation go to next generations. The difference that in term point which are moved (taught). In Islamic education, relocated point indigenous source assess Islams namely Al Qur ’ an, Sunah and Ijtihad. 

     So, education Islamicing to constitute carnal good guidance process and spiritual bases islam teaching wend to be formed its configurational moslem according to criteria Islam. 
v    Islamic education concept
Thus, Islamic education concept in savvy completely just maybe arranged on a basic intended relationship. Islamic education concept that intrinsic bound up hand in glove with points that most loads deep apocalypse.
Ø  Apocalypse or al-quran is fledged and perfect book, range one putty it, arise from character al-quran as apocalypse; book that contain the commandement of god that dikirimkanya to melalui 's man saw's Mohammed to become road map and grapple, well at contemporary world and also at following eternity.
Ø  Al-quran potentially give interpretation that variably deep sees something, say as “ man ” one on the other side have alone force in acting, while at any other place, “man ” just is forced deep performs something, something, since every thing have at scenario by its Creator. It who inspires to come into the world it flows in Islamic theology, e.g. flow Qadariyah, Jabariyah and Asy ’ ariyah, and another flow.

v  Education concept Terminologicals Al Qur ’ an 

   Refer to al Qur's information ’ an education ranges all raya's world aspect this, are not just confine to man one eye, namely with places God as Educator That Grand Mighty. al Qur's education concept ’ an in line with Islamic education concept that dipresentasikan passes through to say tarbiyah, ta ’ lim and ta ’ dib. 
Ø  Tarbiyah comes from to say Robba, on its reality refers for God to interrupt me Murabby (educator) all together nature. Say Rabb (God) and Murabby (educator) come from root word as is loaded deep al Qur's sentence ’ an: 

وَاخْفِضْ لَهُمَا جَنَاحَ الذُّلِّ مِنَ الرَّحْمَةِ وَقُلْ رَّبِّ ارْحَمْهُمَا كَمَا رَبَّيَانِي صَغِيرا ً
“And scorns you to them both by full kesayangan and utters: "Wahai is my The Infinite, their loves both, as it were they both have taught I little time". (Q.S. Al Israa:24) 

According to Syed Naquib Al Attas, al tarbiyah contains savvy teach, pet to look after and building all its creature comprises man, animal and plant (Jalaluddin, 2003: 115). Meanwhile Samsul Nizar words to say al tarbiyah contains mean mother, on hands, feed, develop, pet, raise, menumbuhkan and memproduksi well that ranges to physical aspect and also rohaniah (Samsul Nizar, 2001, 87). 

Say Rabb in Al Qur ’ an at reas much 169 times and is linked on objects that muchly. Say Rabb this also frequent concerned by nature word, something besides The Infinite. Pengkaitan says Rabb by says that nature as on Al's letter a. ’ raf sentence 61: 

قَالَ يَاقَوْمِ لَيْسَ بِي ضَلاَلَة ٌ وَلَكِنِّي رَسُول ٌ مِنْ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ

 “ Nuh answers: Hi my clan, no on me even few aberrance but I am The Lord Of Host courier.”

Ø  diistilahkan's education dengan  ta ’ dib, one that indigenous job word “ addaba ”. Say al ta ’ dib diartikan to process teaches that more addressed on construction and behavior completion or participant ethic kindness is taught (Samsul Nizar, 2001: 90). Say ’ dib be not been met direct deep al Qur ’ an, but on operational zoom, education can be seen on practice that did by Rasulullah. Apostle as educator of grand in Islamic education view, in line with aim God mengutus beliau to man which is to perfect behavior (Jalaluddin, 2003: 125). God also word, that Apostle sooth is one carefully sample a figure of speech for your sekalian. 

لَقَدْ كَانَ لَكُمْ فِي رَسُولِ اللَّهِ أُسْوَةٌ حَسَنَة ٌ لِمَنْ كَانَ يَرْجُو اللَّهَ وَالْيَوْمَ الآخِرَ وَذَكَرَ اللَّهَ كَثِيرا

 “Most verily have available on self Rasulullah that good beau ideal divides you (which is) for person what does bargain for Allah blessing and doomsday arrival and she there are many calls God.” (Q.S. Al Ahzab, 21)

   Hereafter Rasulullah Saw keeps on authority and that accountability to on the two oldster interrupts me kodrati's educator. Oldster state thus as educator is gone upon accountability up keagamaan, which is in form does bit oldster to child, range to pet and leads child, and gives behavior education to family and child.


Ø  So-called education with ta ’ lim that indigenous word ‘ alama berkonotasi learning which is kind of scholarship transfer process. In ta's education bearing ’ lim is understood as process of guidance that is emphasized on intelectuals increasing aspect participant be taught (Jalaluddin, 2003: 133). ta's learning process ’ lim symbolically been declared for deep al Qur's information ’ an while Adam's creation Usa by God Swt. Adam is Usa as forthcoming cikal of creature gets civilization (man) accept an understating of direct scholarship concept from God Swt, be her (Adam is Usa) absolutely empty. As it were written in al Baqarah's letter sentence 31 and 32:

وَعَلَّمَ آدَمَ الأَسْمَاءَ كُلَّهَا ثُمَّ عَرَضَهُمْ عَلَى الْمَلاَئِكَةِ فَقَالَ أَنْبِئُونِي بِأَسْمَاءِ هَاؤُلاَء إِنْ كُنتُمْ صَادِقِينَ 

 “And She teaches to Adam the names (objects) entirely, then interposes it to angelic then decree: “Name to Me that object name if you really men which are right.”

قَالُوا سُبْحَانَكَ لاَ عِلْمَ لَنَا إِلاَّ مَا عَلَّمْتَنَا إِنَّكَ أَنْتَ الْعَلِيمُ الْحَكِيمُ

 “ They answer, “Clean mighty You, no that we knows other than what already You teach to us, most verily You which Mighty Know again Wise Mighty.” 

   Of drd concept upon, visually subjective among tarbiyah, ta ’ lim and ta ’ dib. Concept third that point out teologis 's relationship (tauhid's point) and teleologis (to the effect) in Islamic education accords al Qur ’ an which is form al karimah's behavior


Of Description upon we can conclude that:
  1. Views terminological education islamic more dominant to formation behavior, believe and faith. Meanwhile in common education is process kemapuan's attitude and development distorting that proprietary. If both of it is merged therefore result of education will so maximal and result educative participant that have intellectual and your excellency behavior.
  2. Education basic terminological focus islam to Al Qur ’ an and hadist be in common education basic also more menitik lifts the weight to go to religious basic.
  3. To the effect alae good Education islamic and common well-nigh have equality which is gets fruitfulness. If is merged therefore education aim is effort to reach for life fruitfulness at world and akherat.
  4. Islamic education that in line with education concept terminologicals al Qur ’ an terangkum in three concepts which is education tarbiyah, ta ’ lim and ta ’ dib. Education in tarbiyah's concept more enlightens on that man God give education via its courier which is Rasulullah Saw and Apostle further passes on to ulama, then ulama passes on to man. Meanwhile education in ta's concept ’ lim constitutes to process tranfer scholarship to increase participant intelectual is taught. Then ta ’ dib constitutes to process teaches that more addressed on didik’s participant behavior construction.

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